9 Recruitment Trends Expected to Take Center Stage in 2024

Jason Hanold
4 min readOct 23, 2023


Just as with nearly every facet of the business world, the realm of recruitment is in a perpetual state of flux, responding to evolving demographics, market influences, employee expectations, and technological progress.

Within the field of human resources, 2024 appears set to usher in a year of significant transformation. Drawing from a wealth of insights provided by thought leaders and esteemed institutions, here is a comprehensive overview of the recruitment trends expected to define the upcoming year.

1. AI and Automation

Leveraging AI in recruitment brings multiple advantages, including task automation, enhanced candidate matching, and cost and time savings. From the viewpoint of recruiters and HR professionals, AI technology provides valuable benefits. Tools like Avature, ChatGPT, and HireVue expedite email communication and content creation, assess candidate skills and suitability for specific roles, and streamline the overall hiring process.

2. Proactive Candidate Engagement

When filling C-suite executive vacancies, recruiters must adopt a proactive approach that up until now has rarely been necessary when hiring for entry-level positions. However, research suggests that the situation is changing. In one LinkedIn survey, 84 percent of recruiters agreed that engaging passive candidates has become important in terms of enticing top talent into the funnel and filling lower- and middle-level roles.

3. Pay Transparency

In Europe, the Pay Transparency Directive is placing the onus on employers to disclose salary ranges. As a result, job seekers will have access to information about potential earnings, enabling them to make better-informed decisions when considering job offers. The concept of pay transparency in recruitment is quickly gaining momentum, as employers worldwide face growing demands to embrace fair compensation practices. This movement aims to create a more equitable, inclusive, and equal job market.

4. Emphasis on the Candidate Experience

As skills gaps continue to widen in various industries, businesses are placing a heightened focus on enhancing the candidate experience. They are prioritizing transparency, communication, and feedback at every stage of the recruitment process to attract and retain the right talent.

Brand reputation is all-important in attracting and retaining top talent. Fostering a positive company culture not only enhances employee well-being and contributes to a company’s success but also significantly influences how prospective employees view the organization.

The candidate experience extends well beyond the initial engagement. It encompasses post-application interactions, interview processes, and follow-ups, all of which collectively shape a candidate’s perception of the organization’s professionalism and desirability. Given the competitive labor market, many employers are coming to realize the importance of elevating candidate experiences to achieve a competitive edge over market rivals, attract top talent, and cultivate a strong employer brand.

5. Remote Working

According to data from MatcHR, 88 percent of remote workers say they feel more satisfied with their jobs than they would be working in an office. In addition, 79 percent of survey participants agreed that they would be more loyal to employers who offered more flexible working arrangements. These findings signify a significant shift in the recruitment landscape, as candidates are now placing a growing emphasis on flexibility and remote work options when evaluating prospective employers.

6. Diversity and Inclusion

Across the world, forward-looking businesses are coming to realize the significant benefits conferred by building a diverse and inclusive workforce. Research demonstrates that cultivating a culture of diversity and inclusion offers numerous advantages for businesses. It sparks creativity and innovation, ultimately leading to improved profitability.

Employees are increasingly coming to value diversity and inclusion too. Research by Eagle Hill Consulting reveals that 53 percent of US workers cite diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts as a key factor when considering joining a company. Among young people, a business’ DEI credentials are even more important, with 77 percent of Gen Z workers and 63 percent of millennials agreeing that it is a priority.

7. Continued Emphasis on Mental Health

Recognizing the impact that mental health issues can have on employee engagement and productivity, many employers are engaging in activities designed to prioritize and protect the mental health of their workers, providing support where necessary. Examples of such steps include actively destigmatizing mental health discussions, implementing mental health programs, and offering access to a variety of resources like mental well-being tools and counseling.

8. Gamification

Businesses risk remote workers becoming bored, isolated, and disenfranchised due to a lack of in-office interactions. Many businesses are aware of the importance of keeping employees content and engaged, and they are turning to innovative methods like gamification to achieve this goal. For instance, Google’s billboard mathematical riddle demonstrates the effectiveness of gamification in recruitment by providing creative ways to match candidates with open roles.

9. Social Media Recruitment

Social media is becoming an increasingly effective recruitment channel. Many businesses have traditionally used hiring websites like Indeed and LinkedIn for recruitment without actively promoting job openings on social media. However, recruiting experts indicate that this approach is beginning to evolve. To run effective social media recruitment campaigns, businesses must establish a strong online brand presence and nurture online relationships. While social media is still an underutilized channel for recruitment, its potential is enormous in terms of helping businesses connect with top candidates and build a talent pipeline.



Jason Hanold

Executive Recruiter, clients NFL, Google, Patagonia, Under Armour, Gucci, Nike, Northwestern, eBay, UFC, Vail, REI, Electronic Arts, Live Nation, #HR #Recruiter